
Our reports archive may be experiencing a few technical issues. Please be patient as we attempt to fix this as soon as possible.
TVAS Report Archive
Here you will find an archive of all our projects from 1988 onwards including unpublished reports (grey literature). They can be viewed by project type, administrative area or year and periods represented. Year is the date the project was commissioned, not necessarily when the actual work took place. Desktop studies are only presented when fieldwork subsequently takes place.
Projects formally published by ourselves will link you to the relevant page to purchase a copy. For all other published reports, we are currently in the process of obtaining permission from the relevant publications that will enable us to make published reports available for download. For a full list of our publications see our publications list. Projects intended for formal publication but are either in draft report form, post-excavation report form or in preparation are listed in our publications list. These reports are available on request. New reports are constantly being added to the database as they become available.
To view the PDF files you will need Adobe Acrobat Reader or equivalent.