TVAS Reading: Excavations at Caversham Quarry, Sonning Eye, Oxfordshire

TVAS Reading: Excavations at Caversham Quarry, Sonning Eye, Oxfordshire During archaeological work, carried out before the area is quarried, a significant Roman landscape was uncovered. This excavation has revealed multiple graves, a building, and two wells. The first of these is well [345] with a simple wooden stake and stonework construction. The second of the…

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TVAS North Midlands: Site Update- Windmill cottage, Chellaston, Derbyshire

TVAS North Midlands: Site Update- Windmill cottage, Chellaston, Derbyshire TVAS North Midlands has been excavating the remains of an 18th century windmill in Chellaston. While the initial investigation was an evaluation the walls of the windmill were uncovered and the excavations extended. The excavations revealed at least 1m of the walls remaining and also showed…

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TVAS East Midlands: Excavations at Witchford, Cambridgshire

TVAS East Midlands: Excavations at Witchford, Cambridgshire The excavation has revealed a settlement of Middle to Late Iron Age date with sporadic Roman activity afterwards. The settlement remains are indicated by numerous ditches and gullies which represent various property(?) boundaries, animal pens and enclosures. The most notable are curvilinear or ring gullies which demark individual…

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Excavations at Barty Farm, Roundwell, Kent

Excavations at Barty Farm, Roundwell, Kent The excavations at Barty Farm were preceded by an evaluation that uncovered several worked flints that were in a near perfect state of preservation. The current excavations have targeted the areas that revealed archaeological deposits and a prehistoric landscape has been excavated.

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TVAS Reading: Excavations at Down Ampney, Wiltshire

TVAS Reading: Excavations at Down Ampney, Wiltshire Ongoing quarry works in the Cotswolds have allowed us to excavate large swathes of land and build a picture of the landscape over a significant area. One of the many quarries that we excavate in the Cotswolds is a site at Down Ampney. The site connects with many…

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Publications Update: West Sussex Monographs, Occasional Papers and reports.

Publications Update: West Sussex Monographs, Occasional Papers and reports. The most recent group of publications from TVASPress has expanded the amount of published information for the region. TVAS, and TVAS South, have carried out several large scale excavation in the region with many smaller excavations and investigations helping to build a larger picture of the…

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TVAS Reading: Project Update: The Street Farm, Tackley Roman Villa

TVAS Reading: Project Update: The Street Farm, Tackley Roman Villa A large open excavation project has recently been completed on a Roman Villa in Tackley, Oxfordshire in advance of housing construction. At present the project has proven to be one of our most exciting investigations to date. Located in the archaeologically rich area of the…

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TVAS Reading: Dryleaze Quarry’s Barrow Cemetery

TVAS Reading: Dryleaze Quarry’s Barrow Cemetery Dryleaze Farm, located in Gloucestershire, is one of TVAS’ longest running quarry projects. It has regularly produced incredible and well preserved archaeology over the last 8 years of investigation. We are currently nearing completion of phase 11, one of the largest areas of interest. Similar in form to that…

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