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Publications Update: West Sussex Monographs, Occasional Papers and reports.

The excavation of a nearly complete pot from Courtwick Lane.

Publications Update: West Sussex Monographs, Occasional Papers and reports. The most recent group of publications from TVASPress has expanded the amount of published information for the region. TVAS, and TVAS South, have carried out several large scale excavation in the region with many smaller excavations and investigations helping to build a larger picture of the…

TVAS Reading: Project Update: The Street Farm, Tackley Roman Villa


TVAS Reading: Project Update: The Street Farm, Tackley Roman Villa A large open excavation project has recently been completed on a Roman Villa in Tackley, Oxfordshire in advance of housing construction. At present the project has proven to be one of our most exciting investigations to date. Located in the archaeologically rich area of the…

TVAS Reading: Dryleaze Quarry’s Barrow Cemetery


TVAS Reading: Dryleaze Quarry’s Barrow Cemetery Dryleaze Farm, located in Gloucestershire, is one of TVAS’ longest running quarry projects. It has regularly produced incredible and well preserved archaeology over the last 8 years of investigation. We are currently nearing completion of phase 11, one of the largest areas of interest. Similar in form to that…

TVAS Reading: Medieval Tile Kilns at Silver Street, Reading


TVAS Reading: Medieval Tile Kilns at Silver Street, Reading TVAS recently held an open day at our excavations of a mediaval tile production site at Silver Street, Reading. The posters produced for the open day can now be accessed online here.

TVAS Reading: Deviant Saxon Burials at Guildown Avenue, Guildford

Grave 9 showing 2 human skeletons in situ

TVAS Reading: Deviant Saxon Burials at Guildown Avenue, Guildford A total of nine burials were recovered on a relatively small parcel of land in Guildown, one the edge of Guildford in Surrey. Three of the graves were found to exhibit elements that were atypical to the burial practices of the area during the 6th century…

TVAS South Update: Roman Road Investigated


TVAS South Update: Roman Road Investigated Proposed housing development on 1.6ha of land near Uckfield Road in Ringmer, East Sussex, prompted archaeological evaluation as the Desk-Based Assessment had indicated that the site was located in an area of high archaeological potential. In addition, further geophysical surveys of the wider area indicated that that the Roman…

TVAS Geophysical Survey Developments


TVAS Geophysical Survey Developments TVAS are excited to announce the expansion of our geophysical survey services with the recent addition of a non-magnetic cart. With this new piece of equipment from Bartington Instruments we can now complete larger magnetometer surveys at four times the rate that was previously achievable. The cart mounts two Bartington Grad…

TVAS’ response to recent CIFA actions


TVAS’ response to recent CIFA actions It is with some disappointment that we find ourselves in the limelight for the wrong reasons but feel obliged to respond to the comments about our CIFA RO status rather than discuss the record of our achievements in archaeology, of which we are proud. The CIFA have seen fit…

TVAS Reading: Eysey Manor Quarry – Remains of a post-medieval farmhouse found at the Gloucestershire quarry site


TVAS Reading: Eysey Manor Quarry – Remains of a post-medieval farmhouse found at the Gloucestershire quarry site Archaeologists from Thames Valley Archaeological Services have excavated the remains of a farmhouse at Eysey Manor in Gloucestershire. Historic maps date the main farmhouse and associated outbuildings and yards date to at least the 1880s, with the site…

TVAS Reading: Roman shoes and a giant’s grave at Top Road, Kempsford


TVAS Reading: Roman shoes and a giant’s grave at Top Road, Kempsford Archaeologists from TVAS have been excavating land along Top Road in Kempsford, Gloucestershire ahead of a housing development. Guided by the findings of evaluation trenches, an open area excavation revealed a significant number of archaeological features and a long history of site use…

TVAS South Update: Roman Road Investigated


TVAS South Update: Roman Road Investigated Proposed housing development on 1.6 ha of land near Uckfield Road in Ringmer, East Sussex, prompted archaeological evaluation as the DBA had indicated that the site was located in an area of high archaeological potential. In addition, further geophysical surveys of the wider area indicated that the Roman road…

TVAS SouthWest Update: Open Excavation reveals BA Enclosure


TVAS SouthWest Update: Open Excavation reveals BA Enclosure Extensive excavation at Bath Road in Gloucestershire has identified archaeological activity ranging from the Neolithic to the early Iron Age. Notably, within the wide range of features recorded during the investigation were two cremation burials and further ditches forming a Bronze Age enclosure. Due to limitations of…

Eysey Manor Farm: Open Excavation continues to find evidence of Iron Age Occupation


Eysey Manor Farm: Open Excavation continues to find evidence of Iron Age Occupation Open excavation at Eysey Manor quarry continues as the project moves into phase 8 of ongoing investigation. Similar to the previous phases, further evidence of Iron Age occupation is exposed, represented by a number of ring ditches, pits and linears. Striking images…

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