TVAS Reading: Site Update: Ring Ditch at Heatherwood Hospital, Ascot, Berkshire
TVAS Reading: Site Update: Ring Ditch at Heatherwood Hospital, Ascot, Berkshire
The remains of the Soldiers Pillar ring ditch at Heatherwood Hospital, Ascot, Berkshire was successfully locataed and excavated between July 2023 and January 2024.
The Heatherwood Hospital complex includes an upstanding barrow (SAM 1013012) which was partially excavated in 1975. This barrow, along with Soldiers Pillar, forms part of a possible barrow cemetery that was recorded by antiquaians. Previous trial trenching was carried out in 2017 by TVAS which also highlighted the presence of the ring ditch.
The excavation of the surviving ring ditch was carried out although it was disappointing that there were no traces of the original mound or possible burial deposits. There was also no evidence of cenrtal or periphery features. The area of the ring ditch was also heavily truncated by post medieval to modern activity. Given this, the ring ditch is relatively well preserved.