TVAS Sites Published in Journals
TVAS Sites Published in Journals
The results of our excavations at Silchester Road, Bramley, Hampshire and at Barnaby Mead, Gillingham, Dorset are now published.
Medieval settlement at Silchester Road, Bramley, Hampshire (Tucker 2024)
The excavation revealed evidence for a medieval settlement, likely commencing in the late eleveth century and possibly continuing until the sixteenth century. A few Iron Age, Roman and Saxon pottery sherd were noted as residual or stray finds with only a few features potentially being dated to these times. A late Upper Palaeolithic tanged point is of note, that was found during the earlier evaluation.
Tucker, B, 2024, ‘Medieval settlement at Silchester Road, Bramley, Hampshire’, Hants Stud 79, 123–42

Medieval Field Systems at Barnaby Mead, Gillingham, Dorset (Paszkiewicz 2024)
The excavation revealed episodic use from the Mesolithic period to the 14th centtury AD. Residual Mesolithic flint finds and Roman and Saxon pottery were recovered from features of later date. The main focus of the fieldwork was a series of medieval plot boundary ditches, gullies, pits and spreads relating to agrivcultural activity.
Paszkiewicz, M, 2024, ‘Medieval Field Systems at Barnaby Mead, Gillingham, Dorset’, Proc Dorset Natur Hist Archaeol Soc 145, 102–13