TVAS Reading: Excavations at Watersplash Farm, Shepperton, Surrey

TVAS Reading: Excavations at Watersplash Farm, Shepperton, Surrey

Recent excavations at Watersplash Farm, Shepperton ahead of mineral quarrying has revealed a considerable number of Bronze Age and Saxon features as well as a Neolithic pit containing a large quantity of struck flints and pottery.


A pit was excavated and contained a variety of struck flints and pottery. It has been roughly dated to the Neolithic but will be sent to the relevant specialists in due course for further analysis.

Bronze Age

There were two main Bronze Age features, which were a ring ditch and a buirnt mound. The full extent of the ring ditch was not uncovered as it extended beyond the excavation area with less than half of the full extent present in the excavation area. The ring ditch measured 41m in diameter from its external edges with the ditch itself measuring between 3.20m to 3.90m wide and between 1.21m to 1.55m deep. Finds include struck flints and pottery.

Working shot of the excavation and recording of the ring ditch
Ring ditch post excavation


Two post built structures and a sunken feature building were also uncovered.