TVAS Reading: Late Neolithic and Bronze Age occupation at Two Gate Lane, Overton, Hampshire
TVAS Reading: Late Neolithic and Bronze Age occupation at Two Gate Lane, Overton, Hampshire
Excavations at Two Gate Lane, Overton revealed two phases of significant prehistoric occupation, one in the late Neolithic and one in the late Bronze Age.
Late Neolithic
The late Neolithic was represented by three pits. The two most significant pits contained Grooved Ware pottery as well as a large assemblage of struck flints and burnt flint. Charcoal was also recovered from these pits and successfully carbon dated to 2631-2470 cal BC and 2697-2567 cal BC respectively.

Half sectioned Neolithic pit

Half sectioned Neolithic pit

Grooved pottery

Grooved pottery
Late Bronze Age
Eight pits were securely dated to the late Bronze Age through pottery and carbon dating. A further 18 pits and 3 postholes have also been assigned to this phase given the absence of any other significant periods represented.

Half section Bronze Age pit

Half sectioned Bronze Age pit
Two pits contained mostly complete pottery vessels. The pits were just big enough to fit the pots in them. These pots were block lifted and carefully excavated in spits by our finds department.

Bronze Age pottery vessel

Bronze Age pottery vessel
A full report of the findings will be published soon.